Empowering Organizations with Sanctuary Memberships

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Black folx are 4X less likely to seek out mental health services. There are many reasons for this, but they all boil down to one fact: mental health resources were not made with the Black community in mind.

When just over 95% of mental health providers in the U.S. are white, Black representation in the mental health field is few and far between. This means when Black folx DO reach out for services, they have a particularly difficult time finding mental health support. Community access is an issue and those corporate Employee Assistance Program lists are just not cutting it.


Offer Sanctuary to your team

Reviving Roots Therapy & Wellness is a Black woman owned communal space and mental health service that offers black-centered, black serving and black-affirming wellness to the community

In 2023, Reviving Roots, opened its brick and mortar location—offering Sanctuary to our members. For us, offering Sanctuary means having a space where our clients can be their whole selves—a place to feel you belong. Our Digital Sanctuary, Sanctuary, and Signature Sanctuary memberships offer our partners a variety of opportunities to:

  • Recruit and retain diverse talent

  • Offer meaningful support to Black employee’s unique wellness needs

  • Differentiate your organization from the competition

  • Offer holistic wellness services to your Black employees

Join Our Partner Portal Today!

Our partner portal is designed to provide you with a seamless and efficient platform to manage your organization's memberships, offer valuable feedback, and collaborate with us effortlessly. It is our aim to create an environment that fosters open communication, strengthens relationships, and promotes shared growth.